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Thanks Julian,

your email got me thinking about the state of linux audio distro's and
the linux audio ecosystem, and this brought me to an idea of a possible
way forward for us, as former users of the dearly lamented puredyne.
Read on for a proposal of how I think we could move forward.

I should just mention that although I've mostly been a lurker on this
list, like many of you I've had excellent experiences of using puredyne
in media workshops and hacklabs over the last few years. I've been
reading people's comments here with interest.

On 08/02/12 16:35, Julian Brooks wrote:
> Obviously going to need a realtime kernel.  Are there really decent
> benefits from rolling your own to fit your own machine?  And again if so
> - how?

My understanding is that the mainline 3.x series kernels have integrated
most of the patches we used to have to apply ourselves to make an RT
kernel. So for most people, I guess the answer to your question will be
no, there aren't advantages, unless you have esoteric needs.

> Personally I would be well chuffed to have a lappy where pretty much
> everything is compiled and tweeked for my machine.  Not sure how big the
> performance gains would be but personal satisfaction-wise it would be
> sizeable.

Satisfying when it works, but easily broken and impossible to support,
from my experience. Of course, the greater your skills, the further you
can go with compiling your own software. This got me thinking about
empowerment (see below).

But the point about configuration and system tweeking is a good one.

At the moment, I can see several audio distro's with mediocre
distro-specific documentation. There are also documentation projects
that are not distro-specific, that have limited usefulness because much
of the content is outdated or will only work in particular circumstances.

I see an opportunity here for us to put the collective wisdom on this
list to work on creating a linux-audio documentation project, that would
be aimed at empowering former puredyne users to configure and tweak a
base debian system into something like puredyne.

This could include an editorial system to make sure that information
remained current and applicable to debian-stable. When each 'stable'
becomes 'oldstable', we could archive that set of docs and bring out a
new 'edition' specifically tested on and aimed at the new stable release.

I can see that if a group of us committed to start working on a wiki
now, with a view to releasing our first set of documents to coincide
with the release of wheezy (or as close as possible), a lot of people
would see the value of this as a unifying project, not another
duplication or derivative effort. I would expect we'd get a lot of
support from the debian-multimedia people, but our project would have a
different scope in being focussed on empowering people to make art using
FLOSS. And there would be plenty of scope for writing broth-like
scripts, automated installers and so on - but keeping everything
referenced to a specific base distro.

What do you all think about this? Would people be up for it? Or can
people think of other ways forward we should discuss first?

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