To: Journalists
From: Jeanne Norberg, Director, Purdue News Service
Date: May 22, 2000
Subject: Introducing the next president of Purdue University

You are invited to attend a news conference at 11 a.m. Tuesday (5/23) at
which Purdue University will introduce its next president. The news
conference will be held in Loeb Playhouse, Stewart Center, on the West
Lafayette campus.

Additonal information and photographs will be available after the news
conference at

A live satellite uplink will be provided beginning at 10:45 a.m., just
before the start of the news conference, and will run until noon at these

SBS 6 transponder #07
Uplink 14172.0 V
Downlink 11372 H.
Trouble reports call:  (765) 494-9276.

If you plan to send a satellite truck or want parking assistance, please
contact Jesica Webb, Purdue News Service, by calling (765) 494-2079
(office); (765) 471-1934 (home); (765) 427-4178 (cell phone). You also can
page her at (765) 743-4333, and then enter extension 4117.

To help us serve you, please complete the bottom half of this memo and fax
it back to us at (765) 496-1725 or reply by e-mail.

News organization______________________________________________________

City/State _________________________________

E-mail _______________________________________

Phone #_______________________________________

Fax # ________________________________________

Will attend _______
Might attend _______
Will not attend _______
Plan to use satellite feed _______
Want to receive news release  following the news conference ____________

Jeanne Norberg, director
Purdue University News Service
1132 Engineering Admin. Bldg.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1132
Phone: 765-494-2096

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