
On 02.12.20 13:45, Graeme Seaton wrote:
> Notice that OpenZFS 2.0 has been officially released at: 
> https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/releases/tag/zfs-2.0.0

yes, we noticed that too :)

> Is integration into PVE on the roadmap? (I'm a sucker for new toys ;-) )

Copying over my answer from a related forum thread[0]:

Yes, we plan to include it in Proxmox VE 6.4, which is due in the first half
of 2021, if I had to extrapolate from past releases. At least if no general
issues comes up and the upgrade path is straight forward.
But even though it's a big increase of version number, it's a rather sensible
sized release code-wise, so it should not pose bigger problems (knocks wood).

It'll trickle into the package repositories a bit earlier after passing through
testing here (2021/Q1), we'll post an update in the forum once available.


[0]: https://forum.proxmox.com/threads/openzfs-2-0.79948/#post-353631

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