On 27.07.21 16:17, Oguz Bektas wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 27, 2021 at 04:03:17PM +0200, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
>> On 27.07.21 15:37, Oguz Bektas wrote:
>>> add a helper 'find_lxc_ip_address' to fetch IP address of container from
>>> its network namespace using lxc-info.
>>> for the moment it can be queried with the pct tool:
>>> $ pct status 1000 --verbose
>>> cpu: 0
>>> cpus: 1
>>> disk: 6422528
>>> diskread: 368640
>>> diskwrite: 0
>>> ipaddress:        <----
>>> maxdisk: 4294967296
>>> maxmem: 536870912
>>> maxswap: 536870912
>>> mem: 864256
>>> name: CT1000
>>> netin: 3281265
>>> netout: 15794
>>> pid: 34897
>>> status: running
>>> swap: 94208
>>> type: lxc
>>> uptime: 11088
>>> vmid: 1000
>> And why use `lxc-info`, this is called very often and we know about setups 
>> with
>> 1500+ CTs on a single host, so it'd be good to check if adding 1000s forks 
>> every
>> status call could be avoided.
> lxc-info already queries this information from netlink, otherwise switching
> network namespace and communicating to netlink in perl would be hacky (at 
> least
> that's the impression i got from looking at the relevant lxc code [0][1]).

Does not have to be hacky if done nicely and we can do that in rust and use only
the bindings in perl.. Mira already did quite some work for the contrack stuff,
that could possibly be re-used/shaped into something for that use case.

But we cannot really do away the fork their either, as unshare into another NS
is only valid for the current's process future children...

> [0]: 
> https://github.com/lxc/lxc/blob/f1c64634c40a7218165538b89aca320fa258b3c1/src/lxc/lxccontainer.c#L2235
> [1]: 
> https://github.com/lxc/lxc/blob/f1c64634c40a7218165538b89aca320fa258b3c1/src/lxc/lxccontainer.c#L2429
> fabian also mentioned we can use 'iproute2':

sure, would be useful as it actually gets you the full CIDR and possibly
any other detail.

> $ lxc-info --pid 1000
> PID:            34897
> $ ip netns attach 1000 34897
> $ ip -n 1000 a show

three commands isn't exactly better than the "no command" I wished for ;-)

> 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group 
> default qlen 1000
>     link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
>     inet scope host lo
>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
>     inet6 ::1/128 scope host
>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 2: eth0@if84: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state 
> UP group default qlen 1000
>     link/ether fa:2e:e1:b6:a4:b0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netns 1000
>     inet scope global eth0
>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
>     inet6 fe80::f82e:e1ff:feb6:a4b0/64 scope link
>        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> but that leaves the namespace file in /run/netns/ which requires extra cleanup
> and handling when container is rebooting or shutting down, so this way seemed
> like it would be cleaner.

yeah no, that seems icky.

> for avoiding the forks in bigger setups it might make sense to call it once 
> and
> cache the result until there's a network hotplug or similar, or only poll 
> every N minutes.

the latter is adding a lot of complexity, the former can work out but would 
need to
be in /run or the like, else every worker would just cache 1000s of entries 
and that's not really that what a simple and clean solution would look like 

We could replicate what we do for VMs, adding a `$full` boolean flag and only 
query that
info if it's true, that'd be at least dead simple.

>> what about multiple, you only print the last match which is quite 
>> confusing...
>> You forgot to add this to the API/CLI return schema in 
>> $PVE::LXC::vmstatus_return_properties,
>> which may highly probably actually want to be an array...
> okay will do that in v2 with an array to account for multiple addresses

and also:

On 27.07.21 16:03, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
> You forgot to add this to the API/CLI return schema in 
> $PVE::LXC::vmstatus_return_properties,
> which may highly probably actually want to be an array...

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