On 11/11/22 16:18, Stefan Hanreich wrote:
Test Setup:
I created a new VM, without any Cloud-Init drive, and immediately created a snapshot. Then I setup a Cloud-Init drive according to the PVE documentation via CLI. I created another snapshot of this state with a Cloud-Init drive.

What I tested:
- Rolling back to the older snapshot without Cloud-Init drive, it got successfully removed. - Rolling back to the newer snapshot that includes a Cloud-Init drive, it successfully showed up afterwards.

I also tested both of those cases with Cloud-Init drives created from the Web UI, in case there are any differences.

Some additional tests including normal CD-ROM drives I did as well - just in case: - Rolled back from a snapshot with only a Cloud-Init drive to a snapshot that contains only a CD-ROM drive, the CD-ROM drive showed up afterwards and removed the Cloud-Init drive successfully - Rolled back from a snapshot with only a CD-ROM drive to a state that contains only a Cloud-Init drive, the Cloud-Init drive showed up afterwards and removed the CD-ROM drive successfully


Reviewed-by: Stefan Hanreich <s.hanre...@proxmox.com>
Tested-by: Stefan Hanreich <s.hanre...@proxmox.com>

Thanks for testing! Since it requires a rebase, I'll send a rebased v3 with your R-b and T-b tags.

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