On 5/4/23 10:42, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
Am 04/05/2023 um 10:31 schrieb Dominik Csapak:
On 5/4/23 10:13, Thomas Lamprecht wrote:
Am 03/05/2023 um 13:26 schrieb Dominik Csapak:
just a short comment since this series overlaps a bit with my
cluster resource mapping series (i plan on sending a v4 soon).

i'd prefer to have the configuration endpoints for mapping bundled in a 
so instead of /nodes/<node>/dirs/ i'd put it in /nodes/<node>/mapping/dirs/
(or /nodes/<node>/map/dirs )

@thomas, @fabian, any other input on that?

huh? aren't mappings per definition cluster wide i.e. 
than then allows to add/update the mapping of a resource on a specific node?
A node specific path makes no sense to me, at max it would if adding/removing a 
is completely decoupled from adding/removing/updaing entries to it – but that 
convoluted from an usage POV and easy to get out of sync with the actual 
mapping list.

in markus series the mapping are only ever per node, so each node has it's
own dir mapping

Every resource maping is always per node, so that's not really changing 

i meant there is no cluster aspect in the current version of markus series at 

Rather what about migrations? Would be simpler from migration and ACL POV to 
it cluster wide,

sure, but how we get the info during migration is just an implementation detail 
for that shouldn't matter where the configs/api endpoints are

in my series, the actual config was cluster-wide, but the api endpoint to 
them were sitting in the node path (e.g. /node/<nodes>/hardware-map/pci/*)
 > Please no.

was that way since the very first version, would have been nice to get that 

the reason is that to check the validity of the mapping (at least for 
need to happen at the node itself anyway since only that node can check it
(e.g. for pci devices, if it exists, the ids are correct etc.)

That check is most relevant on using the map, not on updating/configuring it as 
the UX of getting the right one can be solved of providing a node selector per 
that then loads the actual available devices/resources on that node.
i see what you mean, personally i'd still prefer doing these checks on creation 
prevent the user from accidentally (or intentionally) creating wrong entries
(e.g. when using it via the api/cli)

yes in the gui it shouldn't be a problem since we can fill in the info from the 
correct node

we *could* put them into the cluster path api, but we'd need to send a node 
along and forward it there anyway, so that wouldn't really make a difference

no need for that, see above.

there is a need for the node parameter, because you always need to know for 
which node the
mapping is anyway ;) or did you mean the 'forward' part?

for reading the mappings, that could be done there, but in my series in the gui 
at least,
i have to make a call to each node to get the current state of the mapping
(e.g. if the pci device is still there)

For now not ideal but ok, in the future I'd rather go in the direction of 
some types of HW resources via pmxcfs KV and then this isn't an issue anymore.

yeah can be done, but the question is if we want to broadcast the whole pci/usb 
from all nodes? (i don't believe that scales well?)

if a mapping exists (globally) is not interesting most of the time, we only 
need to know
if it exists at a specific node

that's looking at it backwards, the user and ACL only care for global mapings, 
the code implements that is then, well an implementation detail.

ACL yes, the user must configure the mapping on a vm (which sits on a specific 
and there the mapping must exist on that node

also, after seeing markus' patches, i also leaned more in the direction of 
my global mapping config into a config per type+node (so node1/usb.conf, 

no, please no forest^W jungle of config trees :/

A /etc/pve/resource-map/<type>.conf must be enough, even a 
should be tbh., but I could imagine that splitting per resource type makes some 
things a bit easier and reduce some bug potential, so not to hard feelings on 
having one
cluster-wide per type; but really not more.

sure a single config is ok for me (only per type would be weird, since resuing 
sectionconfig would only ever have single type and we'd have to encode the
nodename somehow)

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