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On Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 4:49 PM Mira Limbeck <m.limb...@proxmox.com> wrote:
> Hi Matias,
> Thank you for providing this detailed description of the issue!

Hello Mira
thanks for your quick response!
>From my side I offer all my available energy in order to help.

> We have an open issue in our bug tracker [0]. If it's alright with you
> I'd add your text as-is to the bug tracker as a comment for additional
> information/reasoning on why that change would be needed.

Sure, feel free to edit in order to clarify.
Just one clarification:
Current cloud-init documentation from my first message determines[0] clearly

> >  Alternatively, the filesystem has been attached to a new instance, and 
> > this is the instance’s first boot.
> > The most obvious case where this happens is when an instance is launched 
> > from an image captured from a launched instance.
> > By default, cloud-init attempts to determine which case it is running in by 
> > checking the instance ID in the cache against the instance ID it determines 
> > at runtime.
> > If they do not match, then this is an instance’s first boot;

So It is not a matter of a particular Distro/OS version/release. It is
a «a feature» from upstream cloud-init implementation.

My corner case is just a bit different, let say "Do not update
instance-id without user new VM config [subset cinit-related]"
Anyway your work could be an answer for my scenario.

Let me know if this is clear enough.

> Feel free to add yourself to the CC list if you want to be notified on
> updates.

Done, thanks

> > I am far away from being a Perl  developer, but I can put my best
> > effort during my spare time.
> > Anyway I would like to know what you think since what I am proposing
> > changes the current behaviour of PVE cloudinit, maybe these changes
> > could be part of PVE 9?
> I already started working on an implementation for a fixed instance-id.
> I can't give an ETA when the first draft will be sent to the pve-devel
> list though.

Great, ping me if you need feedback.

kind regards,


 mabeett [at] gmail [ dot] com

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