And this is the same for containers, they use IPv4 and IPv6!
So when proxmox not handle IPv6, what is in our time absolute bad, then
this must been
min. filtered!

More as 60 % of users in germany, now have an IPv6 internet connection!
Software must been
created for IPv4 and IPv6 ! Or what is that for a security, when 50 % of
hackers via IPv6 comes
from germany and 10 % from worldwide? So a new firewall, must been
handle this! Or the complete
security concept is for the trash!

I mean: This is a big bug, when the complete firewall will stop, only
why a container with an
IPv6 is included! So this must been a minimum to filter this and later
resolve the IPv6 !

Am 28.10.2014 17:57, schrieb Detlef Bracker:
> Dear,
> so, when one Container is set to firewalled mode and they has an IPv6,
> then the firewall cant work anymore!
> pve-firewall stop
> pve-firewall start
> ipvtables -L
> is then empty!
> In log-File, I get then the error-message: pve-firewall[598770]: status
> update error: command '/usr/sbin/ipset restore' failed: exit code 1
> I can test with many diferent containers!
> Regards
> Detlef
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