See the "copytruncate" option in the logrotate man page:

On Wed Dec 10 2014 at 6:25:50 PM Detlef Bracker <> wrote:

>  Dear,
> more information with logrotate debug. But how new log entries logs in the
> log.1 - logs?
> ......
> empty log files are not rotated, old logs are removed
> considering log /var/log/
>   log does not need rotating
> considering log /var/log/mail.warn
>   log does not need rotating
> considering log /var/log/mail.err
>   log does not need rotating
> considering log /var/log/mail.log
>   log does not need rotating
> considering log /var/log/daemon.log
>   log does not need rotating
> considering log /var/log/kern.log
>   log does not need rotating
> considering log /var/log/auth.log
>   log does not need rotating
> considering log /var/log/user.log
>   log does not need rotating
> considering log /var/log/lpr.log
>   log does not need rotating
> considering log /var/log/cron.log
>   log /var/log/cron.log does not exist -- skipping
> considering log /var/log/debug
>   log does not need rotating
> considering log /var/log/messages
>   log does not need rotating
> not running postrotate script, since no logs were rotated
> .....
> Am 11.12.2014 02:05, schrieb Detlef Bracker:
> Dear,
> I have the same problem on 2 diferent hosts! The logrotate is not working
> correct and the logs
> are not going in the log-files normal, they go in the log-file with the
> number .1 !!!
> Expample not logged in auth - but logged in auth.1
> or not logged in syslog - but logged in syslog.1
> *This is a security risk*, when you check with fail2ban the hosts-files
> about hackings via console,
> ssh and some-thing on! - and I dont know, that I have this only or others
> too!
> uname -a
> Linux pm3-host 2.6.32-31-pve #1 SMP Thu Jul 24 06:44:16 CEST 2014 x86_64
> GNU/Linux
> The logrotate job in cron.daily not working, but I get not an error! The
> logrotate stop at the
> 23 octobre on 1 host and on the other at the 30. september!
> Have somebody a resolution w/o a reboot?
> Dear
> Detlef
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