ExtJS6 requires a stateId if we want to save the component state
(seems it is not autogenerated anymore from 'id')
this fix the selection of timeframes in the Summary View

also move properties out of initComponent()

also remove code which duplicates framework code:
setting stateEvents to 'select' will save the component state
after a selection by calling applyState()/getState() automatically
so we don't need to specify a callback ourselves and we don't need
the testChange() method since applyState() will be called anyway
 www/manager6/form/RRDTypeSelector.js | 80 +++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/www/manager6/form/RRDTypeSelector.js 
index 973a64a..1742183 100644
--- a/www/manager6/form/RRDTypeSelector.js
+++ b/www/manager6/form/RRDTypeSelector.js
@@ -1,13 +1,19 @@
 Ext.define('PVE.form.RRDTypeSelector', {
     extend: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',
     alias: ['widget.pveRRDTypeSelector'],
-    initComponent: function() {
-        var me = this;
-       var store = new Ext.data.ArrayStore({
-            fields: [ 'id', 'timeframe', 'cf', 'text' ],
-            data : [
+    displayField: 'text',
+    valueField: 'id',
+    editable: false,
+    queryMode: 'local',
+    value: 'hour',
+    stateEvents: [ 'select' ],
+    stateful: true,
+    stateId: 'pveRRDTypeSelection',
+    store: {
+       type: 'array',
+       fields: [ 'id', 'timeframe', 'cf', 'text' ],
+       data : [
                [ 'hour', 'hour', 'AVERAGE', "Hour (average)" ],
                [ 'hourmax', 'hour', 'MAX', "Hour (max)" ],
                [ 'day', 'day', 'AVERAGE', "Day (average)" ],
@@ -19,47 +25,25 @@ Ext.define('PVE.form.RRDTypeSelector', {
                [ 'year', 'year', 'AVERAGE', "Year (average)" ],
                [ 'yearmax', 'year', 'MAX', "Year (max)" ]
-       });
-       Ext.apply(me, {
-            store: store,
-            displayField: 'text',
-           valueField: 'id',
-           editable: false,
-            queryMode: 'local',
-           value: 'hour',
-           getState: function() {
-               var ind = store.findExact('id', me.getValue());
-               var rec = store.getAt(ind);
-               if (!rec) {
-                   return;
-               }
-               return { 
-                   id: rec.data.id,
-                   timeframe: rec.data.timeframe,
-                   cf: rec.data.cf
-               };
-           },
-           applyState : function(state) {
-               if (state && state.id) {
-                   me.setValue(state.id);
-               }
-           },
-           stateEvents: [ 'select' ],
-           stateful: true,
-           id: 'pveRRDTypeSelection'        
-       });
-       me.callParent();
-       var statechange = function(sp, key, value) {
-           if (key === me.id) {
-               me.applyState(value);
-           }
+       },
+// save current selection in the state Provider so RRDView can read it
+    getState: function() {
+       var ind = this.getStore().findExact('id', this.getValue());
+       var rec = this.getStore().getAt(ind);
+       if (!rec) {
+           return;
+       }
+       return {
+           id: rec.data.id,
+           timeframe: rec.data.timeframe,
+           cf: rec.data.cf
-       var sp = Ext.state.Manager.getProvider();
-       me.mon(sp, 'statechange', statechange, me);
-    }
+    },
+// set selection based on last saved state
+    applyState : function(state) {
+       if (state && state.id) {
+           this.setValue(state.id);
+       }
+    },

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