
>>  > First, we call deactivate if you migrate a VM to another node.
>> OK, I haven't seen this. I will test once my plugin is ready.
The plugin is ready now and I could test this today.
 -> It works like you said.

> I simply do not understand why you think the current approach is wrong. It
> works with all major storage types, i.e. Ceph, sheepdog, iscsi, NFS, Gluster,
> DRBD on LVM in dual primary mode, DRBD9, ...
> I do not understand why it does not work with your DRBD driver ...
It is no question of right or wrong. It is simply inconsistent.
Yes, it doesn't matter, because you "repair" it when migrating a VM and you are
right only then it could be a problem. But I simple like it, when it is
And I would agree with you that it falls in the category "cosmetics".

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