
On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 04:58:09PM +0200, Dominik Csapak wrote:
> this series upgrades novnc, our patches, and the git structure
> changes from v2:
> * instead of having a big app.js in the git repo, we build the bundle
>   ourselves with node-es6-module-transpiler
> this novnc version is tested with following os/browser combinations
> (more is always welcome ;) )
> browser\os   | win7 | win8 | win10 | linux(pve5) | macos | android
> firefox            |  x   |  x   |   x   |     x       |   x   |    x
> firefox(esr) |      |      |       |     x       |       |
> chromium     |      |      |       |     x       |       |
> chrome       |  x   |  x   |   x   |     x       |   x   |    x
> safari       |  NA  |  NA  |   NA  |    NA       |   x   |    NA
> ie11         |  x   |  x   |   x   |    NA       |   NA  |    NA
> edge         |      |      |   x   |    NA       |   NA  |    NA
> x = tested and works
> NA = Not available
> empty = not tested
> browser versions were the newest stable available
> if this series gets applied we have to mirror the novnc repo at
>     git://

internal side is created, public mirror follows soon

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