On 04/20/2018 12:50 PM, Gilberto Nunes wrote:
Hi Dominik

Let me tell what I try to achieve.
I have created a VM with Apache Guacamole, an Apache VDI solution.
So I wanna add a button, perhaps near by Documentation, Create VM, Create
CT, and name this button with something like VDI Access.
This button will access a link like http://<ip address>:8080/vdi

I hope make myself clear.

in general, for such changes you have to change the source code,
in this case it could be found in the pve-manager package in

as for guacamole, what is the advantage in contrast to the way we implement novnc/spice?
afaics they also just have a webinterface for vnc/rdp/etc.

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