On 8/7/19 11:40 AM, Dominik Csapak wrote:
at this point, the user may have switched the panel already and it might seem weird to get an error 'out of nowhere'...

you could check 'me.destroyed' (see extjs docs) if the current panel still is valid and only show the errors if it is.
also, if it is not, the 'unmask' in run_now_finished
will probably fail anyway, so in that case the error will not get shown...

In my testing, the call always returned fast, as long as nothing went bad with the connection, so the time span in which the user can click away is minimal to begin with.

that is true only with a fast connection to the cluster, as soon as you have higher latency this will bite the users..

also one problem is if a node gets offline while clicking, then this
blocks you a few seconds for sure...


Adding a check for 'me.destroyed' is a good idea, but the issue remains that the user will not be informed of any errors that might have occured if they click away.

yes, this is a problem that remains, but is there not a task log entry for backups?

For failed backups yes, but the error message is shown when the call to start the backup fails (e.g. as you say, the node goes offline while clicking), so no entry would have been created (although its absence would at least indicate something has gone wrong).

Any other suggestions? Mask the entire window?

could work yes, or a model window that gets completely masked instead of the grid..

A modal might be the best solution, I'll try to put that into a v3.

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