
On 22/01/14 01:51, Alessandro Briosi wrote:
Il 21/01/2014 21:52, Alain Péan ha scritto:
Yes, I already migrated VMs from VMWare to Proxmox. The vmdk image file
format is equivalent to raw disk format in Proxmox. I think this is this
one that you should use. qcow2 is for dynamic disks growing when adding
more data, as are dynamic disks in VMWare.
What I did is create in Proxmox the VM and the disk in raw format with
the same size as the vmdk one, then replace the proxmox raw file with
the vmdk files, just renaming them with the exact same name.
Really? Actually I don't think that raw is the same as vmdk, but I might
be mistaken.

Imho you should either convert vmdk to row or qcow2 depending on what
you want to use.

I never tried renaming a vmdk to raw... but converting with qemu-img did work (didn't try qcow2).

Have you tried converting to raw instead of qcow2?


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