
El 22/04/16 a las 23:50, Brian :: escribió:
With NVME journals on a 3 node 4 OSD cluster if I do a quick dd of a
1GB file on a VM I can see 2.34Gbps on the storage network straight
away so if I was only using 1Gbps here the network would be a
bottlekneck. If I perform the same in 2 VMs traffic hits 4.19Gbps on
the storage network.

The throughput in the VM is 1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 3.43556
s, 313 MB/s (R=3)

Would be very interested in hearing more about your gluster setup.. I
don't know anything about it - how many nodes are involved?

Sorry, I don't think using "dd" gives any meaningfull benchmark for a virtualization storage. :-)


Zuzendari Teknikoa / Director Técnico
Binovo IT Human Project, S.L.
Telf. 943493611
Astigarraga bidea 2, planta 6 dcha., ofi. 3-2; 20180 Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa)

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