On 08/11/16 10:12, Dominik Csapak wrote:

if i understand you correctly, you want to achieve something like this:

Pool System:
vm 100 - 105

Pool Development:
vm 106 - 110

Pool Lab:
vm 111 - 115

Not exactly, what I want is to nest a pool inside another pool in order to inherit the permissions of the father into the child, like this: / -------> root, where Administrator has all the permissions. /pool/Development -------> root of the "Development" pool, where root and selected people/groups can access with custom permissions /pool/Development/Lab -------> "Lab" subpool, where inherited permissions from "Development" pool can access, and add some others like group "System" /pool/Systems -------> root of "Systems" pool, where root and selected people/groups can access with custom permissions

In this way, we can inherit permissions from the parent pool without the need of specify permissions in each and every pool, simplifying the management of pools greatly. Furthermore, on Datacenter --> Permissions --> Add, I can see a checkbox called "propagate", which seems to mean that we can avoid to inherit the permissions on the subpools, but we can only create pools on the first level... which IMO seems that proxmox is ready to inherit permissions on pools and nest pools but is not yet implemented (in fact, we can actually create a permission on Datacenter --> Permissions --> Add, and specify the path /pool/Develepment/Lab, but it does not appear as a pool, and it cannot be deleted! :S )

Hope I have explained better now. What do you think?



*Angel Docampo
*Datalab Tecnologia, s.a.*
Castillejos, 352 - 08025 Barcelona
Tel. 93 476 69 14 - Ext: 114
Mob. 670.299.381

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