Yeah, I agree it’s normally not necessary to do re-installs. The reason I did I 
was messing with remote NFS shares in LXC containers. So I did a couple of 
stupid things (i still have not resolved this issue). I already installed the 
license and was not aware of the limitation. 

For now I’ve add the pve-no-subscripition repository.

What’s the difference between the pve-enterprise and the pve-no-subscription 
repository? Are update just beter tested in the pve-enterprise repo? 

> On 19 Nov 2016, at 11:06, Dietmar Maurer <> wrote:
>> I subscribed for a license to support the project and of course to get
>> updates. Now I’m in a testing phase so I installed my license a couple of
>> times. I think I hit a maximum cause I can reactivate my license at the
>> moment. I raised a ticket over at Maurer IT. I was not aware of this
>> limitation. How do I prevent this from happening again? Just not install the
>> license or not re-install ProxmoxVE?
> It is usually not required to do re-installs (what for?). And I guess 
> it is not necessary to activate the subscription for a test system 
> when you know you will reinstall soon (use pve-no-subscription for updates).

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