Thanks all for your time.

Kind regards,


> On 14 Feb 2017, at 08:17, Fabian Grünbichler <> 
> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 12:09:44AM +0100, Kevin Lemonnier wrote:
>>> So I need to create the VM on the new host and then attach the moved disk – 
>>> is there any doc about ? I guess I also should copy the configuration file.
>> Yeah, I usually just re-create it before hand, move disk them plan a little 
>> downtime to shut it down on the old hypervisor
>> and power it up on the new later. You don't have to do both at the same time.
>> As for attaching the disk, you can't. What you need to do is create the VM 
>> with an identical disk and the same ID, then rm that disk
>> by hand on the filesystem, then move the disk from the other hypervisor on 
>> that storage : it'll get the same path as the one
>> you removed.
>> That's a ridiculous way to do it, but unfortunatly proxmox still doesn't 
>> have an attach existing disk button, that's the best
>> I came up with.
> "qm rescan -vmid ID" will scan for non-referenced disks for the given
> VMID on all configured storages on the local node and add them as
> unused. you just need to make sure that they follow the expected naming
> scheme for that storage.
>> If you can afford a bit more downtime you can always just mv the disk on top 
>> of the empty one, that'll work too, but I'm
>> always afraid I'll mess up and overwrite the "real" one with the empty one ..
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