Check multicast.

On Mar 14, 2017 3:01 PM, "Kevin Lemonnier" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just been given the task of maintaning an existing "cluster"
> of Proxmox 4. I'm putting quotes around the word because currently,
> it doesn't work. Each nodes seems to have been somehow added to a
> cluster and can see the other nodes, and the sumary tab does work
> for each node, but they all show offline except the one I log on.
> Since they were all different versions, I just tired updating them
> to the latest 4.4, but not better. Then I took a look and realised
> that they are all missing the /etc/pve/corosync.conf file.
> The command "pvecm status" on some of them just returns that the
> file is missing, and on some others says that then does show a
> status of a cluster where they are the only one connected (which
> a "Activity blocked" since they don't have quorum).
> Any idea what happened ? How to fix it ?
> --
> Kevin Lemonnier
> PGP Fingerprint : 89A5 2283 04A0 E6E9 0111
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