On 10/18/2017 12:13 PM, Жюль Верн wrote:
> I read documentation and know how to create a cluster. Problem now is that
> no quorum between node1 and node2 of my cluster. Search problem in log, but
> nothing find. Try pvecm expected 1 command to add node3 to cluster but it
> not help.

I assume that the following is the log of your node addition try:

> Starting cluster:
>    Checking if cluster has been disabled at boot... [  OK  ]
>    Checking Network Manager... [  OK  ]
>    Global setup... [  OK  ]
>    Loading kernel modules... [  OK  ]
>    Mounting configfs... [  OK  ]
>    Starting cman... [  OK  ]
>    Waiting for quorum... [  OK  ]
>    Starting fenced... [  OK  ]
>    Starting dlm_controld... [  OK  ]
>    Tuning DLM kernel config... [  OK  ]
>    Unfencing self... [  OK  ]
> waiting for quorum...

Is this a PVE 3.4 cluster? If you setup a new cluster please
start with PVE 5, as PVE 3.4 is now quite outdated and EOL.
And remember PVE 3.4 can not be mixed with PVE 4.X or 5.X, that won't work.

did those checks pass:

>> On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 9:05 AM, Жюль Верн <dedne...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Good day ! I install three nodes of proxmox from image. And try to
>> create a
>>> cluster. Command pvecm create proxtest on node1 was successful, type
>> pvecm
>>> add on node2:
>>> root@pve:~# pvecm add
>>> The authenticity of host ' (' can't be
>> established.
>>> ECDSA key fingerprint is 1c:e8:06:20:76:4d:a0:89:f1:22:
>> 92:81:1f:af:b2:1b.
>>> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
>>> root@'s password:
>>> node pve already defined
>>> copy corosync auth key
>>> stopping pve-cluster service
>>> Stopping pve cluster filesystem: pve-cluster.
>>> backup old database
>>> Starting pve cluster filesystem : pve-cluster.
>>> Starting cluster:
>>>    Checking if cluster has been disabled at boot... [  OK  ]
>>>    Checking Network Manager... [  OK  ]
>>>    Global setup... [  OK  ]
>>>    Loading kernel modules... [  OK  ]
>>>    Mounting configfs... [  OK  ]
>>>    Starting cman... [  OK  ]
>>>    Waiting for quorum... [  OK  ]
>>>    Starting fenced... [  OK  ]
>>>    Starting dlm_controld... [  OK  ]
>>>    Tuning DLM kernel config... [  OK  ]
>>>    Unfencing self... [  OK  ]
>>> waiting for quorum...
>>> At this moment i type pvecm add ... command on node3 and get "unable to
>>> copy ssh ID" What i doing wrong ?

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