The User Management documentation at 
( is insufficient for me to be 
able to create a user with limited permissions.  A couple of examples that I do 
not see in the documentation that would be helpful are:

1.       Create a user that only has console access to specific virtual 
machines, but not others.  This user would not be able to add/delete VM's or 
change any settings on any existing VM's.

2.       Create another user that could create and manage new VM's, but only 
modify VM's the he/she created and have no ability to modify any settings of 
any VM's created by another user.

Examples are the way I learn best, so any who may be able to provide the above 
examples would help me a great deal.  I think once I see those two examples, I 
should be able to decipher the rest on my own using the documentation in the 
link shown above


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