On 15 November 2017 at 12:08, Emmanuel Kasper <e.kas...@proxmox.com> wrote:
> On 11/14/2017 12:45 PM, Ian Coetzee wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> Thank you for this awesome feature. My 2cents worth though....
>> Trying to import an OVF that was coverted from a XVA that was exported
>> from a XenServer 6.5 fails gloriously. Also doesn't import into
>> VirtualBox, so I am gonna blame Citrix for this one
>> Now if only we could get a XVA importer, for some whacky reason
>> XenSever fails to export the VM's as OVF/OVA's </RANT>
>> Kind regards
> If you manage to get a disk image from Xen , remember you can also use
> qm importdisk ( see qm help importdisk)
> If you have a real OVF which is not recognized by PVE, please check
> first with the ovftool from VmWare if the format is right
> ( ovftool --verifyOnly /path/to_my.ovf)
> If you have an OVF which passes this test successfully and is recognized
> by PVE, please submit a bug report in our bugzilla.

Hi Emmanuel,

Thank you for the tip on qm importdisk. That is helping me quite a lot!

I will keep the ovftool tip in mind.

Also should note. I imported a ova from vyos successfully today using
qm importovf

Kind regards
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