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Hi Nada

What's the output of "systemctl --failed" and "systemctl status 


> On Jan 14, 2020, at 16:40, nada <n...@verdnatura.es> wrote:
> dont'worry and be happy Marco
> that rc.local save the situation (temporal solution ;-)
> and CTs which have resources on that 'santest' LV are auto started after 
> reboot
> Nada
> On 2020-01-14 16:12, Marco Gaiarin wrote:
>> Mandi! nada
>>  In chel di` si favelave...
>>> root@mox11:~# grep santest /var/log/syslog
>>> Jan 14 15:36:09 mox11 blkdeactivate[19162]:   [LVM]: deactivating Volume 
>>> Group santest... skipping
>>> Jan 14 15:39:36 mox11 lvm[2086]:   Cannot activate LVs in VG santest while 
>>> PVs appear on duplicate devices.
>>> Jan 14 15:39:36 mox11 lvm[2086]:   Cannot activate LVs in VG santest while 
>>> PVs appear on duplicate devices.
>>> Jan 14 15:39:36 mox11 lvm[2086]:   0 logical volume(s) in volume group 
>>> "santest" now active
>>> Jan 14 15:39:36 mox11 lvm[2086]:   santest: autoactivation failed.
>> Mmmhhhh... seems to me that LVM get activated before multipath, and so
>> they see multiple PVs (as effectively is).
>> Never happened before, sorry...
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