On 2/17/20 7:23 AM, Fabian Grünbichler wrote:
On February 16, 2020 5:26 pm, Frank Thommen wrote:
Thank you for the link.

Even though Fabian Gruenbichler writes in the bugreport
(https://bugzilla.proxmox.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2490#c2) that Ceph RBD
offers all features of CephFS, this doesn't seem to be true(?), as
CephFS supports "vztmpl iso backup snippets" and Ceph RBD "images
rootdir" (https://pve.proxmox.com/pve-docs/chapter-pvesm.html), so these
two storage types are complementary and RBD cannot replace CephFS.

that comment was about using CephFS for guest image/volume storage. for
that use case, RBD has all the same features (even more), but with
better performance. obviously I didn't mean that RBD is a file system ;)

What would be a good practice (CephFS and RBD are already set up):
Create an RBD storage on the same (PVE based) Ceph storage that already
has CephFS on top of it and use one for templates and backups and the
other for images and rootdir?


Won't it create problems when using the same Ceph pool with CephFS /and/
RBD (this is probably rather a Ceph question, though)

you don't use the same Ceph pool, just the same OSDs (pools are logical
in Ceph, unlike with ZFS), so this is not a problem.

Additionally this might create problems with our inhouse tape backup, as
I don't think it supports backing up object storage...

the usual backup options are available - use vzdump, and then backup the
VMA files. or use some backup solution inside the guest. or both ;)

Thank you for all the hints above. I will go along these lines. Still struggling with some Ceph concepts ;-)

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