Hello Rainer,

I have done this on a Cluster a few months ago without any issues till today


Am 19. Februar 2020 13:05:00 MEZ schrieb Rainer Krienke 
>At the moment I run a proxmox cluster with a seperate ceph cluster as
>storage backend. I do not have a proxmox subscription yet. Instead I
>the community repository to do some upgrades to proxmox. I know that
>this repos is not thought for a productive  environment.
>My question is if I now start using proxmox deploying productive VMs,
>there a problem upgrading the proxmox hosts later on with packages from
>the enterprise repos?
>I would not expect any problems, but perhaps someone has already done
>this and did/did not experience some kind of trouble?
>Thanks for your help
>Rainer Krienke, Uni Koblenz, Rechenzentrum, A22, Universitaetsstrasse 1
>56070 Koblenz, Tel: +49261287 1312 Fax +49261287 100 1312
>Web: http://userpages.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke
>PGP: http://userpages.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke/mypgp.html
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