Dear Eneko.
Regarding your question , what is the tarjet use for this server.
I have a dell R610 with 6 drive bays.
Today I have  4 (2TB) drives in Raid5 , resulting a 5.5TB capacity.
I will add 2 ssd drives later in raid1 for applications that need more read
The purpose for this server is to run proxmox with some VMs for external
and internal access.
Im planning to build a second server and create a cluster just to have more
redundancy and availability.

I would like to set all I can now that server is not in production and
minimize risk later.
Thats why im asking so many questions.

El vie., 28 feb. 2020 a las 5:49, Eneko Lacunza (<>)

> Hola Leandro,
> El 27/2/20 a las 17:29, Leandro Roggerone escribió:
> > Hi guys , i'm still tunning my 5.5 Tb server.
> > While setting storage options during install process, I set 2000 for hd
> > size, so I have 3.5 TB free to assign later.
> >
> > my layout is as follows:
> > root@pve:~# lsblk
> > sda                  8:0    0   5.5T  0 disk
> > ├─sda1               8:1    0  1007K  0 part
> > ├─sda2               8:2    0   512M  0 part
> > └─sda3               8:3    0     2T  0 part
> >    ├─pve-swap       253:0    0     8G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
> >    ├─pve-root       253:1    0     1T  0 lvm  /
> >    ├─pve-data_tmeta 253:2    0     9G  0 lvm
> >    │ └─pve-data     253:4    0 949.6G  0 lvm
> >    └─pve-data_tdata 253:3    0 949.6G  0 lvm
> >      └─pve-data     253:4    0 949.6G  0 lvm
> > sr0                 11:0    1  1024M  0 rom
> >
> > My question is:
> > Is it possible to expand sda3 partition later without service outage ?
> > Is it possible to expand pve group on sda3 partition ?
> You don't need to expand sda3 really. You can just create a new
> partition, create a new PV with it and add the new PV to pve VG.
> > In case to create a proxmox cluster, what should I do with that 3.5 TB
> free
> > ?
> I don't know really how to reply to this. If you're building a cluster,
> I suggest you configure some kind of shared storage; NFS server or Ceph
> cluster for example.
> > Is there a best partition type suited for this ? Can I do it without
> > service outage?
> For what?
> > I have not any service running yet , so I can experiment what it takes.
> > Any thought about this would be great.
> Maybe you can start telling us your target use for this server/cluster.
> Also some detailed spec of the server would help; for example does it
> have a RAID card with more than one disk, or you're using a 6TB single
> disk?
> Cheers
> Eneko
> --
> Zuzendari Teknikoa / Director Técnico
> Binovo IT Human Project, S.L.
> Telf. 943569206
> Astigarragako bidea 2, 2º izq. oficina 11; 20180 Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa)
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