On Dec 19, 2005, at 6:07 PM, Rob Ross wrote:

I don't consider rmdirent to be a case that we need to highly optimize, so if it helps to lookup the name and do the getattr beforehand, that's cool by me. I'm sure somewhere out there there is a rmdir test that we'll do a little worse on, but whatever.

You'll still have to getattr again after the rmdirent to make sure that the directory is still empty though, in case someone sneaks in between the first getattr and the rmdirent and creates something.

I think I can just check if the directory is not empty. If the getattr tells me it is empty, I just do the remove, and if someone else has added an entry in the meantime, I'll get the ENOTOEMPTY from the server at that point, so I can go add the entry back in to the parent (which is what we do now).

The race that's an issue seems to be if the getattr tells me the directory is not empty, in which case I just return ENOTEMPTY back to the caller, but in the meantime someone else could have removed all the entries (in which case the remove should have succeeded). I'm not sure that's much of an issue for our users though.

Right now our caching scheme is under-the-covers so to speak, where we always continue with the operation if the cache misses. It seems like we could make a decision based on a cache hit. In other words, if I know the name and attribute are cached, I can save time by checking if the directory is not empty. If its not cached, I can just go down the rmdirent path like we do now. Doing lookup/getattr will add an extra roundtrip in most cases (where the directory is empty) if things aren't being cached. Overkill?



Sam Lang wrote:
On Dec 19, 2005, at 3:51 PM, Julian Martin Kunkel wrote:
1.  rmdirent(object name,parent handle) => object handle
2.  getattr(object handle) => attr
3.  remove(object handle) => ENOTEMPTY
4.  crdirent(object_handle)
Ahh, you are right. I didn't realize that the attributes weren't read until after removing the directory entry. With that being the case it
would have to come after step 2) as you say, although that isn't as
helpful as if we had the information earlier.
I don't think this would be helpful because it won't change something. If a client breaks after step 1 the directory object is gone, even if it has
objects inside.
Currently you check whether the directory is empty directly after step 2.

It would save the remove roundtrip (step 3 from the list above), since we first check the attr and discover the directory isn't empty.
From my opinion the problem is that you don't check the directory state before
you remove in step 1 the directory entry.
Yes of course you can't do this because you get the object handle while
A idea would be to first lookup the object name to get the object handle and
then getattr (handle) and then look if it's empty or not (like it is
currently done).
I think this adds a roundtrip, doesn't it? The rmdirent acts as a lookup in the current code, so we get a two-for-one there. The only reason I can think of for doing this would be that the name cache would prevent the over-the-wire lookup, and then the attr cache would return the attributes, so the is-empty check could potentially be done (given cache hits) without any over-the-wire operations. Right now we bypass the name cache. Not sure what's most optimal here.
If it's empty do rmdirent and then remove object. The
mechanism with the ENOTEMPTY and crdirent can be keept in case somebody creates a object in that directory while another client checked the number of
directory entries with getattr.


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