Hi Phil,

I think that's from the crdirent, which does a keyval_read to verify that the directory doesn't exist, and only creates it if ENOENT is returned. At the level of keyval_read_op_svc, its impossible to know that though. I guess I can just remove the error reporting call, although it would be nice to have it there for cases where we actually want to read an entry we expect to be there and print an error if we don't find one (corrupted db).


On May 24, 2006, at 10:44 AM, Phil Carns wrote:

If I start a pvfs2-server in the foreground (with the -d option), I see quite a few of these messages on the console when accessing the file system, even with just an ls:

pvfs2-trove-dbpf: DB->get: DB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found

I assume this isn't really an error; trove was probably just asked to look up something that was expected to not exist. Should this message be quieted?

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