I went ahead and committed the --metaspec and --iospec options to pvfs2-genconfig. The changes aren't based on your patch Bart, but I did a lot of cleanup and ended up changing the code fairly significantly. The options themselves allow the endpoints to be specified as follows:


You can specify multiple endpoints separated by semicolons. Also, you can specify port ranges, i.e. for <port> you might have {1-4,8-12,16-20}. If the protocol isn't specified, tcp is used. If the storage or logfile aren't specified, filename (or path) is requested interactively, and modified for each endpoint by adding a unique suffix: -<host>_<proto><port>. For example, /psto- hosta_tcp3334 and /plog-hosta_tcp3334.

Also, if you want to be able to specify multiple protocols for the same endpoint, you can do that by combining them between square brackets:


So you can have "[tcp://hosta:3334,gm://hosta:6]:/psto:/tmp/plog"

I think these changes will allow reasonable backward compatibility for the --ioports and --metaports options we have now, as well as covering pretty much all the use cases you guys have. Let me know if you have any problems/concerns.


On May 18, 2006, at 11:26 AM, Phil Carns wrote:

Robert Latham wrote:
On Thu, Apr 06, 2006 at 02:40:01PM -0600, Bart Taylor wrote:
As an example, suppose that you are using a SAN and you want one particular server to have a dedicated LUN for metadata. In that case you might want to
specify something like this:
--iospecs host1:3335:/mnt/data-lun,host2:3335:/mnt/data-lun
--metaspces host1:3334:/mnt/meta-lun
It sounds like what you want, more than iospecs and metaspecs, is a
way to specify separate storage spaces for metadata and data.  ==rob

I just ran across this email when looking for a reference to the pvfs2-ping patch, but I thought I would add my 2c.

I think for the range of cases that Bart was addressing it isn't necessarily as simple as choosing different storage for meta vs. I/ O (although that would work for this example). Having more flexibility in terms of the exact server specification can be helpful for unusual server environments, like:

- multiple servers per node on some machines (to access multiple LUNs on systems with LUN size limitations) - tuning subsets of servers for specific purposes (maybe some have different RAM or other hardware footprints) - temporarily doubling up servers on just one of the machines, so that you can take a different one off line for maintenance (mainly useful if you have network attached storage that other servers could reach)

We haven't necessarily seen all of these configurations, but it would be nice to be able to handle all of those cases with the same command line interface.

There may be a cleaner way to represent all of this in general, but this patch was also trying not to break existing arguments to genconfig.

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