Dean Hildebrand wrote:
Thanks for the info Phil. While I'm running an I/O performance experiment, I never want the attributes to expire, so I'm using the -a option to set it to a really high value. But for the average pvfs2 setup, what is a useful value? With 5msec, the cache was continually expiring, and my data servers were contacting the metadata server multiple times when writing a single file (which takes on the order of seconds, if not minutes for large files), just to retrieve the same information over and over.

I've seen single client file write throughput (with < 10 of data servers) achieve roughly 40-60MB/s (with gigabit ethernet). So taking a 1G file around 20s to write to disk. Of course there is no typical setup or typical file size, but maybe a better default acache timeout
value is in the 10s of seconds?

I'm really not sure, to be honest with you. Someone else may have more input. I ran some limited tests at one point (very different from your workload, though) and found that there was a point of diminishing returns before the timeout got that high. At some point the cost of occasional attribute retrieval just becomes noise.

I think that in your case you are probably triggering a few getattrs at open time, and then 1 getattr every 4 MB of the file (because that is the default buffer size the kernel module is breaking the file into). I guess that works out to 10-15 getattr operations per second for your case that you could be avoiding. Reducing the getattr traffic may also have a beneficial impact on the server request scheduling too.

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