Hi guys,
Sam and I raised this question for the following reason (motivated during the 
discussion of
 BMI-MX's design with Scott)
Suppose a BMI method wants to keep around a pre-allocated pool of
unexpected buffers, it seems wasteful to copy them into a user buffer and
then free it again.
So we were kind of wondering if a test_unexpected() returns one of those
preallocated buffers (and mark them internally as being used) and then
the caller can then call BMI_memfree() which will return it to the pool of
unexpected buffers (by marking them as free again).

But if this does not appeal to you guys, I suspect the unexpected_free()
callback function would also be better than free()..
> For my 2c, I would prefer one of these approaches:
> - the current mechanism (make user call free())
> - add a BMI function specifically for freeing unexpected buffers
> (BMI_unexpected_free() or something like that).
> The latter approach would just be implemented by calling free() for the
> current methods, and future methods would have the freedom to do
> whatever they please.  I would rather not overload the BMI_memfree()
> function since it is meant to be paired with BMI_memalloc() and would
> imply that we are dictating that the unexpected buffer be optimized for
> communication.  I also would also rather not add any extra arguments or
> function calls to specify the unexpected buffer in advance- as Pete
> points out that can get icky in a hurry.
> As far as the lifetime rule for the unexpected buffer... the only reason
> we held onto it that long was to support the possibility of having
> encoding mechanisms that decode "in place".  If someone were to
> implement that, then of course the unexpected buffer would need to hang
> around until after PINT_decode_release() is called.  Personally, I'm not
> particularly interested in that type of en/decoding because it is hard
> to make something like that work in heterogeneous environments.  My vote
> is to go ahead and destroy the unexpected buffer sooner if possible.  If
> anyone ever wants to go through the pain of implementing an in-place
> decoder then they can move the free back to a later point again (it
> isn't a difficult change).
> -Phil
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