Hey, I've been looking at src/client/sysint/client-state-machine.c in the function completion_list_retrieve_completed() on about line 150 (in my version, the current trunk will be a little different). There is a variable *out_count that concerns me. As it is written in my version this variable is set to "i" which should be the number of items in the completion list before the function is called (or to be more precise, the value of s_completion_list_index). If you look at how that variable is USED - particularly in src/apps/kernel/linux/pvfs2-client-core.c on or about line 2412 - it is ASSUMED to return the number of items that were copied into the arrays. This is true only so long as the original size of the arrays is LESS than the number of items in the completion list.

I don't know if this was the intended behavior for PVFS_sys_testsome and the client-core is mis-using the variable, or if this is not what should be returned (and if its not, if it should be fixed in testsome, or in completion-list-retrieve-completed). My guess is that completion-list... should return the MIN of "i" and "limit" rather than just "i".

Can I get another pair of eyes to look at that and see if I'm missing something. If this is a bug I'll happily fix it in my branch.

Dr. Walter B. Ligon III
Associate Professor
ECE Department
Clemson University
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