[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 09:57 -0500:
> > Then there is exactly one process that every reads any configuration
> > file from disk.  It would likely be the one mentioned in fstabs.
> > All the other servers are started by passing a BMI address to this
> > primary server process on the command line.  (This is maybe not what
> > you had in mind.)
> Sam and I had discussed this possibility and I think RobR does not wish to
> go down this path because every server would depend on this one particular
> server to get started.
> In the short term, it is easiest to remove the dependence on the second
> config file by passing in the server alias as the command line parameter
> and having the parsing code figure out BMI addresses, storage spaces, log
> file pathname etc from the fs.conf file.

Oh, I see.  Your scope for overhauling the config setups is not
what I had imagined.

Now instead of every server reading two files from disk, every
server will read one file from disk.  That's a good first step.

Then on top of this you add some sort of verification protocol to
make sure that file is up-to-date, right?  A server with an old
config file exits with error?

Regarding your idea about SIGHUP, and forcing a config file re-read.
This would be implemented by sending a message to all servers that
they should locally read their fs.conf again?  And verify against
the one provided by the root server?

Admins are expected to edit one of the fs.conf files, copy it to all
the server machines, then SIGHUP the root server?

Sorry to be tedious, but reading the earlier mails on the topic, I
obviously did not understand some fundamental aspects of your

                -- Pete
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