Hi Walt,

apparently, this code never considered that a posted op might complete,
and so never included a specific case for it.  There is a now a specific
 return code for that, but I don't know where to put it since I don't
really understand the "reposting" thing.

Are one of these actions correct for a "posted" operation that has
already completed, or do we need to add another one?  THis is from
src/apps/kernel/linux/pvfs2-client-core.c about line 2812.

You are right.. The code definitely does not handle the case where a
posted operation immediately finishes. It only handles cases where the
operation was serviced  synchronously.

Maybe it would be simpler to modify the code as shown:

      check if we need to repost the operation (in case of failure or
      inlined handling/completion)
           case SM_ACTION_TERMINATE:
               vfs->request->was_handled_inline = 1;
               /* this code falls through to the next case */
        case 0:
              if we've already completed the operation, just repost
              the unexp request
            if (vfs_request->was_handled_inline)
                ret = repost_unexp_vfs_request(
                    vfs_request, "inlined completion");

What we could do to retain this part of the code is to set the
->was_handled_inline member variable in all the post_*_request() functions
if the PVFS_isys_*() function indicated that the posted operation finished
If we do that, then we could retain this code as is without adding any
more cases. Great catch!

                  otherwise, we've just properly posted a non-blocking
                  op; mark it as no longer a dev unexp msg and add it
                  to the ops in progress table
                vfs_request->is_dev_unexp = 0;
                ret = add_op_to_op_in_progress_table(vfs_request);
#if 0
        case REMOUNT_PENDING:
            ret = repost_unexp_vfs_request(
                vfs_request, "mount pending");
        case OP_IN_PROGRESS:
            ret = repost_unexp_vfs_request(
                vfs_request, "op already in progress");
            PVFS_perror_gossip("Operation failed", ret);
            ret = repost_unexp_vfs_request(
                vfs_request, "failure");
    return ret;

Walter B. Ligon III wrote:

OK, I think I figured out that the request completed without ever
deferring due to a cache hit, so it returned SM_ACTION_TERMINATE and the
client took that as an error.  I'm going to have to dig some more and
figure that out, but I'm not sure why the state machine status and not
the actual error code was returned.


Walter B. Ligon III wrote:

Hello all - I'm debugging away in the pvfs-client.  I start everything
up, do a mount, which seems to work, then do an ls, and it hangs.  In
the log I can see a series of GETATTR requests going through the
pvfs-client, until I get to the stuff I've copied here.  Its nearly
done with a GETATTR, nothing unusual.  It finishes the "cleanup"
state, and then the "set_sys_response" state (which is the last one)
which terminates the state machine.  Then something unusual happens,
it blurts out "Posted PVFS_SYS_GETATTR" at a place it had never done
before, then "Operation failed: Device initialization failed" then
appears to try to restart the request with equally bad results.
Finally gives up and goes back to timer pings.  See the marked lines
in the posting.  I'm trying to figure this out, but with my limited
exposure to the pvfs-client I'm not clear WHAT exactly failed.

Hoping someone has some ideas???


Dr. Walter B. Ligon III
Associate Professor
ECE Department
Clemson University
Pvfs2-developers mailing list

Dr. Walter B. Ligon III
Associate Professor
ECE Department
Clemson University
Pvfs2-developers mailing list

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