That's what I was thinking -- that we could ask the I/O thread to do the syncing rather than stalling out other progress.

Wanna try it and see if it helps :)?


Phil Carns wrote:
No. Both alt aio and the normal dbpf method sync as a seperate step after the aio list operation completes.

This is technically possible with alt aio, though- you would just need to pass a flag through to tell the I/O thread to sync after the pwrite(). That would probably be pretty helpful, so the trove worker thread doesn't get stuck waiting on the sync...


Rob Ross wrote:
This is similar to using O_DIRECT, which has also shown benefits.

With alt aio, do we sync in the context of the I/O thread?



Phil Carns wrote:

One thing that we noticed while testing for storage challenge was that (and everyone correct me if I'm wrong here) enabling the data-sync causes a flush/sync to occur after every sizeof(FlowBuffer) bytes had been written. I can imagine how this would help a SAN, but I'm perplexed how it helps localdisk, what buffer size are you playing with? We found that unless we were using HUGE (~size of cache on storage controller) flowbuffers that this caused way too many syncs/seeks on the disks and hurt performance quite a bit, maybe even as bad as 50% performance because things were not being optimized for our disk subsystems and we were issuing many small ops instead of fewer large ones.

Granted I havent been able to get 2.6.0 building properly yet to test the latest out, but this was definitely the case for us on the 2.5 releases.

You are definitely right about the data sync option causing a flush/sync on every sizeof(FLowBuffer). I don't really have a good explanation for why this doesn't seem to burn us anymore on local disk. Our settings are standard, except for:

- 512KB flow buffer size
- alt aio method
- 512KB tcp buffers (with larger /proc tcp settings)

This testing was done on some version prior to 2.6.0 also (I think it was a merge of some in-between release, so it is hard to pin down a version number).

It may also have something to do with the controller and local disks being used? All of our local disk configurations are actually hardware raid 5 with some variety of the megaraid controller, and these are fairly new boxes.


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