> Whoops, one other thing to report; apparently not all db libraries have
> the get_pagesize() function either.  I happen to be trying this on a box
> with version 4.1.25 of db.
I like that you guys spend a lot of time to ensure that pvfs2 works with all 
kind of different environments. However, from my point of view it takes a lot 
of time to ensure the backward compatibility and this could at be avoided at 
least for berkeley db.  It is really easy to compile berkeley db, (at least 
when I compiled it, also these guys spend much time to ensure that it can be 
compiled on all platforms), so I think if you add a guide how to compile 
berkeley db to the quickstart it should be possible to ask people to have at 
least the version 4.4 (which also supports transactions in a nice way). I 
understand that there are different opinions regarding this issue and I 
respect any opinion.

Best regards,
Pvfs2-developers mailing list

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