New versions will still be able to find bstream files for files created by old servers? -- Rob

On Jan 18, 2008, at 12:42 PM, Pete Wyckoff wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:51 -0600:
On Jan 17, 2008, at 3:26 PM, Pete Wyckoff wrote:

I just noticed this bit in trove-dbpf/dbpf.h.  The code carefully
builds ((<collid> << 24) | <handleid>) then does a modulo against
a power of 2, effectively stripping off all but the low bits of
the handleid.

The collid is not used in the hash at all.  Just in case anybody
thought this was important.  I've ever only used one collection per

KEYVAL_GET_BUCKET is left over from the days when we did a keyval DB per file. With just one keyval DB now, we don't use that macro -- there's no where in the code it gets called -- so you could safely remove it if you

As for BSTREAM_GET_BUCKET, that's funny that the coll-id isn't used in the hash, but it turns out not to matter. The buckets end up as directories that allow us to keep the bstream directories smaller, but here too, all those directories are within a directory for the entire collection. Go
ahead and pull out the coll_id bits of the hash if you want.

I killed the extranneous stuff.  Maybe it'll save somebody else some
head scratching in the future.

                -- Pete
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