I think the hostname command uses the uname system call rather than gethostname. We could add a match for whatever uname returns as well.


On Feb 24, 2009, at 10:50 AM, Walter Ligon wrote:

ah, so you're saying the command line hostname and the library call the server uses aren't returning the same thing? That makes sense.

I ended up removing the domain from the config file and it worked. Must be an oddity of the way my machine is configed that the name is reported two different ways.

If there isn't a more robust mechanism (which there may not be) then maybe the install guide should simply warn the user that it might be an issue.

Thanks for you help Sam!


Sam Lang wrote:
Hi Walt,
With the single config file in place now, the server has to be told (with the -a command line option) or guess which server it is. It guesses by simply using the hostname, and you may have run into a bug. I'll play with it and see if I can make it more robust. In the meantime, you can use: -a 172-22-9-126.lwapp.clemson.edu
On Feb 24, 2009, at 10:06 AM, Walter Ligon wrote:
I probably did something wrong, but I got this error:

sh-3.2# sbin/pvfs2-server /etc/pvfs2-fs.conf -f
[S 02/24 10:58] PVFS2 Server on node 172-22-9-126 version 2.7.1pre1-2009-01-27-183824 starting... [E 10:58:18.292013] Configuration file error. No host ID specified for alias 172-22-9-126.
[E 02/24 10:58] Could not find handle range for host (null)
[E 02/24 10:58] Please make sure that the host names in /etc/pvfs2- fs.conf are consistent
[D 02/24 10:58] PVFS2 Server: storage space created. Exiting.

here is my config file:

     UnexpectedRequests 50
     EventLogging none
     LogStamp datetime
     BMIModules bmi_tcp
     FlowModules flowproto_multiqueue
     PerfUpdateInterval 1000
     ServerJobBMITimeoutSecs 30
     ServerJobFlowTimeoutSecs 30
     ClientJobBMITimeoutSecs 300
     ClientJobFlowTimeoutSecs 300
     ClientRetryLimit 5
     ClientRetryDelayMilliSecs 2000

     StorageSpace /pvfs2-storage-space
     LogFile /tmp/pvfs2-server.log

Alias 172-22-9-126.lwapp.clemson.edu tcp:// 172-22-9-126.lwapp.clemson.edu:3334

     Name pvfs2-fs
     ID 43450330
     RootHandle 1048576
Range 172-22-9-126.lwapp.clemson.edu 3-4611686018427387904
Range 172-22-9-126.lwapp.clemson.edu 4611686018427387905-9223372036854775806
             TroveSyncMeta yes
             TroveSyncData no

and for reference:

sh-3.2# hostname

Should I have dropped the domain name when I created the config file? The install instructions don't say anything about that.

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