Hello and thanks for your answer!
I just figured out the solution before a while, since I observed the way
that the existing tests work.
Many thanks anyway,

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Becky Ligon <li...@omnibond.com> wrote:

> Dimos:
> There are many ways to create your own tests.  One suggestion is to put
> your test program in the <top level dir>/src/apps/admin directory and
> update the module.mk file (in that same directory) to include your
> program.  Then, you can use the Makefile in the <top level dir>  to compile
> your program.  From the <top level dir>, issue "make install" and your new
> program will be compiled and put in the bin directory of your installation
> directory (where the pvfs2-xxx programs are located).
> Becky
> On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Dimos Stamatakis <dimsta...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I would like to ask you what is the easiest way to have my own tests.
>> Shall I put them in the test directory with some modifications in the
>> Makefile?? What's your opinion about that?
>> Many thanks,
>> Dimos.
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> --
> Becky Ligon
> OrangeFS Support and Development
> Omnibond Systems
> Anderson, South Carolina
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