
You need several pieces of information to lookup a file information:
 parent directory handle and directory entry handle (which then points to
the metadata handle).  The directory entry handle will give you the name of
a file (or directory) but the metadata handle is what gives you the
attributes of the file/dir.

If you like, I can send you information on how to dump the metadata
databases in ascii format and then grep for the information.  Otherwise,
you might want to write a program that uses the system interface calls to
achieve what you want.


On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 11:40 PM, Ben Collins <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I’m wondering if it’s possible to get a file/dir reference using the
> handle as a lookup? I’ve looked through headers and haven’t found if
> there’s a way.
> Thanks
> ——
> Ben Collins
> Cyphre Champion
> ——————————————
> VP of Engineering
> Servergy, Inc.
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