
OrangeFS 2.9.3 has been released and is now available on the page.

Release Notes:

OrangeFS Release ChangeLog

orangefs-2.9.3 (Subversion Tag v.2.9.3)

* - USRINT libraries (libofs,liborangefs,liboranefsposix)
        * - Minor bug fixes to ofs_cp and ofs_rm

        * - Added long version of options to ofs_rm

        * - Resolved compilation errors associated with ofs_cp

* - Kernel Module
        * - Modifications associated with upstream kernel module that future
        proof the code.

        * - Corrected an ACL issue.

        * - Corrections to the /proc/sys/pvfs2 perf counters.

        * - Modifications allowing Linux 4.0 to compile

* - Configure
        * - Modifications allowing for Linux 4.x

* - Client/Server (Linux)
        * - New functionality to admin app pvfs2-cp.  Will
OrangeFS Release ChangeLog

orangefs-2.9.3 (Subversion Tag v.2.9.3)

* - USRINT libraries (libofs,liborangefs,liboranefsposix)
        * - Minor bug fixes to ofs_cp and ofs_rm

        * - Added long version of options to ofs_rm

        * - Resolved compilation errors associated with ofs_cp

* - Kernel Module
        * - Modifications associated with upstream kernel module that future
        proof the code.

        * - Corrected an ACL issue.

        * - Corrections to the /proc/sys/pvfs2 perf counters.

        * - Modifications allowing Linux 4.0 to compile

* - Configure
        * - Modifications allowing for Linux 4.x

* - Client/Server (Linux)
        * - New functionality to admin app pvfs2-cp.  Will allow file to be
        created without write permissions but can be written by the user who
        created it.

* - Windows Client
        * - Corrected issue where a memory fault occurred during an I/O

        * - Added a workaround for credential caching timeout, until a more
        robust method can be designed.
w file to be
        created without write permissions but can be written by the user who
        created it.

* - Windows Client
        * - Corrected issue where a memory fault occurred during an I/O

        * - Added a workaround for credential caching timeout, until a more
        robust method can be designed.

Thanks to all who found issues and helped us to resolve them.

The OrangeFS Development Team!
Pvfs2-developers mailing list

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