Is it possible to specify a module option to pwc in order to load it
into a given slot instead of the slot being assigned automatically?
Specifically, I would like to load it always as /dev/video1. Beside the
webcam, I have a Hauppauge card which is normally under /dev/video0 but
sometimes (after a reboot from a Win XP session) it gets
assigned /dev/video1 and pwc grabs /dev/video0. It is a major pain then,
as my recording scripts expect the Hauppauge card being /dev/video0. The
same problem happens to the motherboard sound card and pwc's usb audio,
but ALSA has a module parameter index=n (where n is the slot number)
which permits to always assign the second slot to the usb audio. Is
there something similar for the v4l2 part of the pwc module?


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