  I tried to compile pwc under 2.6.15 (with the patch) and everything went
fine, except I can't get ffmpeg to work
so I decided to compile pwc with v4l2 support.

I got  pwc-v4l2-20090629-042701.tar.bz2 and used kernel
since I am running gentoo....

however, I am getting


/home/torus/src/pwc-v4l2-20090629-042701/pwc-if.c:1067: error: void value
not ignored as it ought to be
/home/torus/src/pwc-v4l2-20090629-042701/pwc-if.c:1071: error: void value
not ignored as it ought to be

can anyone advise a kernel/ffmpeg version that you used and worked. (I am
using logitech 4000 pro).

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