I've got Email alert from your swiki after your message.
It was dated 15 January 2002 12:26:29 pm and nicely Japanized.

I believe you already fixed your problem, did you?

At 15:13 02.1.13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi, All.
> I am Ma2tak.My Swiki Site are Japanizationed. See:
> http://ma2tak.dyndns.org:8888.
> My Problem is Sending Swiki Alert Mail.
> Analyzing this problem, I opend Transcript Window, and saved twice page.
> Transcript Window Displayed below message:
>  :
>  :
>  451 See http://pobox.com/~djb/docs/smtplf.html
> I'm running Swiki on Linux. And MTA(Mail Transfer Agent) is qmail.
> The qmail, send this message to SMTPSocket Class.
> How to solve this probem ?
> --
> Ma2tak

^. .^    Kouji Takahashi  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 ='=     Tel +81-3-3986-4834    Fax +81-3-5992-0792

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