On Tue, Aug 27, 2002 at 01:58:41PM -0600, Nevin Pratt wrote:
> I'm seeing a performance issue with Stunnel that I haven't tracked down yet.
> To access my wife's (squeek driven) site unsecured, try:
>    http://www.bountifulbaby.com
> To access her site secured using stunnel SSL, try:
>    https://www.bountifulbaby.com
> (note the 'https' instead of 'http')\
> The site is hosted on FreeBSD, and driven by Squeak.
> The second URL above connects to the Stunnel daemon via SSL, and the 
> Stunnel daemon uses port forwarding to speak to Squeak.

Coming from a residential DSL connection in Denver, the ICMP latency to your
site is what makes this so slow:

64 bytes from cpe-66-1-184-254.ut.sprintbbd.net ( icmp_seq=0
ttl=238 time=164.231 msec

So, watch this SSL connection take place (using Eric Rescorla's
excellent ssldump):

$ sudo ssldump -i eth0 port 443
Kernel filter, protocol ALL, raw packet socket
New TCP connection #1: www.pburkholder.com(32979) <->
1 1  0.2100 (0.2100)  C>S  Handshake
        Version 3.1 
        resume [32]=
          9b ca f7 eb 31 1f 32 87 08 d5 91 c7 2b 8d ac 00 
          81 5a e7 00 74 cf c3 8d 08 5c bd a2 d8 bc 2f 9b 
        cipher suites
        compression methods
1 2  0.4900 (0.2800)  S>C  Handshake
        Version 3.1 
          9b ca f7 eb 31 1f 32 87 08 d5 91 c7 2b 8d ac 00 
          81 5a e7 00 74 cf c3 8d 08 5c bd a2 d8 bc 2f 9b 
        cipherSuite         TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHA
        compressionMethod                   NULL
1 3  0.4900 (0.0000)  S>C  ChangeCipherSpec
1 4  0.4900 (0.0000)  S>C  Handshake
1 5  0.5100 (0.0200)  C>S  ChangeCipherSpec
1 6  0.8200 (0.3100)  C>S  Handshake
1 7  0.8200 (0.0000)  C>S  application_data
1 8  1.6000 (0.7800)  S>C  application_data
1 9  1.6000 (0.0000)  S>C  Alert
1 10 2.0000 (0.4000)  C>S  application_data
1    12.3800 (10.3800)  S>C  TCP FIN

and you'll see that it's only at packet exchange 7 (Client>Server
application_data) that the HTTP GET is finally issued, so you're already
0.82 seconds into this.  You may want to enable compression since latency
bandwidth issues may be a bigger hit than compression processing.


> Notice how much slower the second URL is than the first one.  I haven't 
> yet tracked down why.  Anybody know?
> Nevin
> Stephen Pair wrote:
> >Check out http://www.stunnel.org ...I've used it to serve Swikis through
> >SSL in the past.  You'll run stunnel on the machine where ComSwiki is
> >running and make incoming SSL connections (to stunnel) forward to
> >ComSwiki on the localhost.  You can then disable insecure connections to
> >ComSwiki from anything other than the localhost (if you want to).
> >
> >- Stephen
> >
> >  
> >
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Glenn Swanlund
> >>Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2002 1:25 PM
> >>To: PWS
> >>Subject: [pws] ComSwiki with SSL
> >>
> >>
> >>Can anybody tell me if its possible to run ComSwiki with a 
> >>secure link using SSL? If so, can you suggest how to do this 
> >>with Windows (NT or 2000)?
> >>
> >>Thanks,
> >>Glenn
> >>
> >>
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >  
> >
Peter Burkholder, System Administrator
Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE)
DLESE Program Center (DPC)                             ~~~  ~~  ~~~~   __o
UCAR/DPC, P.O. Box 3000       Ph) 303-497-2663       ~~~  ~~~~ ~~    _`\<,_
Boulder, CO 80307-3000        Fx) 303-497-8336  ~~~~ ~~~   ~~~~     (*)/ (*)

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