I've been backing up my Swiki nightly using cron.  I capture everything in the 
ComSwiki directory on down.  Over the weekend the server hiccuped and 
everything came back except Swiki.  It was missing entire Swiki webs that had 
been created in the past couple of months.

No problem, I think.  I restore from last Friday's backup, but Swiki still 
won't see any recent webs.

OK, so I create one of the newer webs via admin, then stop Swiki long enough 
to copy the contents of that entire web directory as it was from last Friday.  
When Swiki is restarted, it has completely forgotten about the newly created 

What is the correct procedure for restoring a backed up Swiki web?  I think I 
have all the files, but I see to be missing something in the process.


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