On Fri, 22 Mar 2002 15:50:28 +0100 "Andreas Raab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I was just talking to a friend of mine who asked if there's a way to
>send "explicit page notifications" instead of just being notified about
>each submit of a page. In other words, some button that explicitly says
>"something significant has changed" instead of being notified that
>someone just fixed a spelling mistake.


If you edit a page on BSS, you'll see the approach I took: a check box saying whether 
to send notifications this time. The changes were:

- adding this to the template editunlocked.page

<input type="checkbox" name="dosendalerts" value="yes"> - send alerts<br>

- adding this to the beginning of NuSwikiPage>>sendAlerts:response:shelf:book:

        (request fieldsAsBooleanKey: 'dosendalerts') ifFalse: [^self].


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