On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 14:54 +0100, Philipp Konrad wrote:
> Hello Holger,
> - Do you have experience in some form of automated testing? Have you
>   played with nose, unittest?  Played with pytest itself?
> > Regularly I use unittest and basic applications of pytest. So far, I
> never have used nose.
> - are you familiar with mercurial or git?  Bitbucket.org?
> > No, I only used subversion.

For contributing you will need to learn the basics of mercurial
and bitbucket.

> - Are you familiar with Python2 versus Python3 differences?
> > No, I have only used Python 2.
> - have written docutils/RestructuredText?
> > Yes, I used RestructuredText and create some documentation with Sphinx.
> - ever written a parser for configuration files?
> > Yes.
> - written a distributed application?
> > No.
> Great, so I will try to solve an issue from the bitbucket list.
> Can you recommend me one or should I just choose by myself?

Try to choose one.  I feel a bit bad sending you to pytest source code
without much guidance, though.  If you can't make sense of it I can try to
write up a bit of docs but that might last a few days.  Let me just say
that pytest's functionality is implemented almost entirely in plugins.  
The core and the plugins themselves usually call each other through hooks,
defined in _pytest/hookspec.py.  Whenever you see something like
"*hook.pytest_*(...)" it is a call to such a hook, basically a 1:N
relation because there might be multiple hook functions involved coming
from multiple plugins.


> 2012/11/19 holger krekel <hol...@merlinux.eu>
> > Hello Philipp,
> >
> > On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 12:41 +0100, Philipp Konrad wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > my name is Philipp Konrad, I am a computer science student, a young
> > Python
> > > programmer and researcher from Vienna, Austria.
> >
> > welcome!
> >
> > > My developer experience started around two years ago in Java, but half
> > year
> > > ago I was introduced to the Python world.
> > > I want to contribute to the py or py.test project and can assign one
> > > working day per week. Generally, I never have contributed
> > > to an open source project, so I would need some help for my first steps.
> >
> > sure.  "pytest" fits better than "py" to contribute to, i think.
> >
> > >    - 1. Where is a good point to start? Is there a good site with first
> > >    steps, a manual or something similiar?
> >
> > This depends on your prior experience.  To begin with, i assume
> > your have walked through http://pytest.org including some of the examples.
> > A few answers would help to better understand where you are starting from::
> >
> > - Do you have experience in some form of automated testing? Have you
> >   played with nose, unittest?  Played with pytest itself?
> > - are you familiar with mercurial or git?  Bitbucket.org?
> > - Are you familiar with Python2 versus Python3 differences?
> > - have written docutils/RestructuredText?
> > - ever written a parser for configuration files?
> > - written a distributed application?
> >
> > >    - 2. Do you have special coding / testing guidelines/ 'code of
> > conduct'
> > >    additional to PEP8?
> >
> > Apart from PEP8 not much apart from general good practise like e. g.
> > not using any global state, writing a test for each feature added/bug fixed
> > along with the actual change.  Usually changes are developed in bitbucket
> > clones and then you open a pull request.
> >
> > >    - 3. In which domain do you need new people?
> > >    - 3.1 Code new features
> > >       - 3.2 Documentation
> > >       - 3.3 Write unit and integration tests
> > >       - 3.4 Translation
> > >       - 3.5 Community work
> >
> > All of these domains make some sense.  You should probably try to tackled
> > an issue listed in http://bitbucket.org/hpk42/pytest/issues - this will
> > require reading up and understanding how pytest internally works.
> >
> > One bigger area would be to
> >
> > a) develop a pytest plugin for testing command line application
> > b) rewrite pytest's own tests to use the plugin
> >
> > for a) i have a starting point including some specs and ideas.
> >
> > Other areas include for example writing a http server that allows to
> > search/manage the many examples currently in sections of  the
> > rest-documents in doc/en/example/*.
> >
> > >    - 4. Is there an organizational structure  or hierachy that I should
> > >    bear in mind?
> >
> > Rather flat.  It's probably best if you establish an IRC presence at
> > irc.freenode.net .  Apart from me (hpk42) there usually are "ronny" and
> > "flub" who have contributed a lot of code already.  Others have helped
> > in various ways and may also be able to answer questions.
> >
> > best,
> > holger
> >
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