On Wed, 23 Jun 2010 14:14:37 -0400, Lev Givon <l...@columbia.edu> wrote:
> Is there some way to get PyCUDA to attach to a preexisting context (i.e.,
> one created by some other CUDA-dependent library)?

Since the context is never explicitly specified as an argument to actual
functionality, in principle you could just have the library create the
context and then use the non-context-managing parts of PyCUDA without a
problem. Unfortunately, that doesn't work in real life. To get garbage
collection right in the face of multiple contexts, PyCUDA must assume
there *is* a context and try to restore it at destruction time of every
object created. This obviously interferes with the plan above.

<comment> I think this whole context-is-implicit thing is CUDA's worst
design flaw, and should be fixed somehow.  </comment>

Anyway, the solution I propose is to introduce a flag into PyCUDA to
tell it to not attempt to manage any contexts, which is what you want if
you're interacting with the runtime. This takes two parts: 1) creating a
flag in PyCUDA that turns off all the context management bits. 2) an
interface to turn on the flag, checking that no context has yet been

If you need this *right now*, please send a patch, otherwise it'll get
done as soon as I have time.


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